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Creating a New Item

When viewing a Table, click on the + New (Table Name) button in the Command Bar. The button will have an icon that matches the Item icons in the Table.

A screenshot demonstrating the appearance of the "New X" item button. The button in this example has an icon of two stylised people, and the words "New Employee" as this example takes place inside the Employees table.

This will open the Create Screen panel, which will prompt you to enter data and to create the item. Your system administrator may disable some fields from being visible on the Create Screen.

The + Create button will create the Item and return you to the Table. The Create and Open button will create the item, and open that item in your browser.

A screenshot of the Create Screen Panel. The Rapid site will become blurred, and the side panel will open. At the top of the panel are the words "New Employee", as this example takes place on the "Employees" table. Underneath the title are two buttons: "+ Create" and "Create and Open". Below this are several fields for the user to enter data. In this example, these fields are "Name", "Date of Birth", "Email Address" and then a grey field titled "Name and Email".

Note that some fields may also be visible, but displayed. This is indicated by fields that have a grey background. In this example, the "Name and Email" field is a Subquery field, so it cannot be edited by a user.

Creating a New Sub-type of Items

If you are viewing a table that has subtypes, your system administrator may have created additional buttons to create items. For example, in the Rapid Standard Assets Module, there are several "New X Asset" buttons that will each create a different subtype of item on the same table. To learn more about this, visit the following link:

Cloning an Item

It is also possible to "clone" an item. When an item is cloned, Rapid will open the Create Screen, and copy across the data from the current item, to the new item. This enables you to quickly build similar items without having to enter data multiple times.

For example, if your company owned two vehicles that were the same Make, Model, and Year, you could use the clone tool to copy this information and reduce the time spent entering data.

To clone an item:

  1. Open an Item in Explorer

  2. Find the Clone button in the Jumbotron at the top of the site. This button will only be visible when you are viewing an Item Page.

A screenshot that highlights the location of the clone button. The clone button is at the top of the site, and the screenshot is annotated with a red square to highlight the button. The button's icon resembles two blank pages stacked atop each other. To the right of the Clone button is the Designer Button, then the Launchpad Notifications Bell, the User Coin, and the Rapido Chatbot Button.

  1. The data from the original item has now been copied across to the fields in the Create Screen Panel.

Alt text

  1. Press the Create or Create and Open button to create the Item. Alternatively, you can press the Undo Changes if you do not wish to cancel.